Who We Are
As television grew across America in the 1950s and 1960s, residents of small, remotely located communities found that they couldn't receive the TV stations built in the large cities not far away. In 1952, Sterling, Colorado folks could not receive the new KFEL-TV, channel 2 from Denver. This same scenario developed in towns like Price, Utah; Sierra Vista, Arizona; Ukiah, California and many others. A creative group of TV engineers, radio hobbyists and mountain men put their heads to the problem and devised a simple solution. On hills above some of these small towns, a large receiving antenna was erected to capture the distant TV signal and re-transmit it on a different channel with enough power to cover the town needing TV. Thus was born the earliest translators.
Over time, the engineers sought approval from the Federal Communications Commission for these systems - and the TV translator service was officially born. As they became acquainted with one another and met on mountaintops, in coffee shops and burger joints, they began to capitalize on the power of numbers over the years and the National Translator Association was born. Founded as a support, educational and fellowship organization for these hard-working techies, the NTA has since become the leading proponent of TV and FM translator systems throughout America. On these systems, remote towns can see major TV networks and educational TV programs, emergency broadcasts, local and national news. Motorists can receive many FM stations as they travel... FM stations which, without strategically located translators, would not be heard by travelers and rural residents of America.
Today, we at the NTA continue to fight for the opportunity to bring TV programs to smaller towns, however remotely located. We face the existential threat of the FCC selling TV spectrum out from under our viewers in the same way that some cities declare eminent domain.
Join us! - and help us support our viewers, whose local antenna TV is under threat.
2022 Board of Directors
Jack Mills
President OK Community TV 7401 N. Kelley Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73111 (405) 808-2509
Wayne Johnson
Vice President SW Colorado TV PO Box 1570 Cortez, CO 81321 (970) 565-2129
Lloyd Williams
Secretary/Treasurer South Lane Television, Inc. 1490 Jason Lee Avenue Cottage Grove, OR 97424 (541) 942-1310
Charlie Camaliato
Canyon TV 200 Evans Ave Missoula, MT 59801 (406) 728-7693
Arnold Cruze
Cruze Electronics P.O. Box 397 Memphis, Texas 79245 (806) 930-2879
Keith Larson
2900 MacAlpin Dr. South Palm Harbor, FL 34684 (727) 412-4156
Perry Priestley
Broadcast Electronics 4100 N 24th Street Quincy IL 89506 1+ (410) 800-3803
Tim J Stoffel
10515 Trail Drive Reno, NV 89506-9231 (775) 741-1504)
Dave Sundermann
Co-op TV Assoc. P.O.Box 8 Mankato, MN 56002-0008 (507) 387-7963
Joe Watkins
Honey Lake Comm TV Corp 475 Carroll Street Susanville, CA 96130 (503) 251-3497
DISCLAIMER & LIABILITY. To the full extent permitted by law, National Translator Association (NTA), and its officers, directors, employees, agents, licensors, affiliates, and successors in interest The National Translator Association (NTA) (1) COLLECTS NO MONEY and makes no promises, warranties, or representations as to NTA, including its completeness, accuracy, availability, timeliness, propriety, security or reliability; (2) provide NTA on an "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE" basis and any risk of using NTA is assumed by you; (3) disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including as to accuracy, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement; and (4) disclaim any liability or responsibility for acts, omissions, or conduct of you or any party in connection with NTA. NTA IS NOT liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, incidental, special, punitive, or other losses, including lost profits, revenues, data, goodwill, etc., arising from or related to NTA. and in no event shall such liability exceed $100 or the amount you paid ALL VENDORS in the year preceding such loss. Some jurisdictions restrict or alter these disclaimers and limits, so some may not apply to you.